We officially started last week. Dean tried some of our corn and decided to do some work on the corn head. Different combine, so different corn head and it needed some work. Notice I said different, not new, which is why it needed work. Saturday was spent picking corn for somebody else before trying another one of our fields and coming home about 9 p.m.
Today, corn had to be hauled into town in the big red truck. Then the grain cart had to be emptied from the field and hauled away. A neighbor wanted some, so he had to take the truck to weigh it first before delivering it to their farm. Grandma Suderman and I made dinner to take out to the field. We had tater tot casserole, rolls, carrots and celery, and fresh peach cobbler. Yum!! We couldn't find much shade to eat in. April and I ate in the back of the van. The back door stayed open to provide the only shade we had for 4 other adults, Alana, and Derek.
Alana and Derek wanted to ride in the combine of course! That is the fun part for them...and mom as I get a break from three kids! April fell asleep on the way home and took a long nap! So, this tired mommy-to-be got a nap, too, until I got a call that Alana was ready to come home. Derek stayed out to help daddy.
It is 6:00 and we are doing an easy "lunch" of pizza and pop! We still have to take it out, but hopefully can find some shade now.