Monday, July 19, 2010

House Rules!

I need to come up with some house rules. I should have done this at the beginning of the summer. I thought about it then, but life on the farm with 3 small children has kept me from it again. I have found that I am good at coming up with ideas, it's the following through that is difficult.

I wish this were something Dean and I could do together, but again, farming is busy right now. He swathed down a lot of hay and it needs baled before it rains. We need some rain, though,too.

Another priority is a chore chart. I don't know how much new stuff I can introduce to the kids without overwhelming them. I want to do a daily schedule with chores included on that. I found a hanging card scheduler at Target for $1 that I want to use. That is my priority (one of them) for this week! Then I hope to post a picture of it. Oh my, now I put it in writing for anybody to read. Will anybody hold me accountable to it?? That would mean I really have to do it!

Maybe that is what I need, a little more accountability. Getting our household better organized and less chaotic should be enough motivation, shouldn't it?? Obviously not since it hasn't gotten done yet!

This post doesn't have much to do with farming, but this blog is about raising a family on a farm, so it fits. It is my blog and I can write what I want to! :-) Any comments or suggestions of what has worked for you would be welcomed.


  1. I don't think you have to worry about overwhelming the kids. But you might overwhelm yourself. The point of getting organized is to have less stress so only do what you feel like you can handle this week. Disneyland wasn't built in a day, you know.
    Loves you!

  2. Take it one step at a time. Just consistently do one thing until it becomes habit. Then do the same with another one thing. It's been determined by someone that it takes about 21 days to form a new habit. Think of what would happen in a year if you did just one thing a month!
