Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Week

What a week it was!!  Fall harvest is in full swing. Cutting soybeans then planting wheat right behind. It would be nice to have somebody else to help Dean. Getting "new" machinery with more technology has left Dad Suderman driving truck and grain cart. 

Last week was full of break downs and fixing. A couple weeks ago the combine had a small fire. After the small flames were gone, it was still smoldering. Alana and Derek were with Dean. I ended up calling, not knowing what was going on, and Dean had been trying to locate the fire for about half an hour (with a potty break for Alana, too). I went to the field and could smell the smoke.

Friday after supper at home, Dean was cutting beans behind the yard and took 2 riders with him again. While I was giving April a bath, the farmers came in. Dean looked pretty solemn....the windshield broke (shattered) in the combine!!  Alana had been sleeping on the floor. Nobody was hurt, not even a scratch! Praise the Lord!! 

I am praying this week is without incident! I told Dean the other day I don't remember any year having this many breakdowns! 

On a plus note, I am starting to have more energy now that I am in the second trimester. I still have to learn to pace myself. Friday I did a bunch of cleaning which felt good, but had no energy and an emotional Saturday from being so tired. Makes for a stressful household with farming trouble and tired (low patience) mommy trying to hold it together at home. I am grateful when Derek wants to go with daddy...whatever he is doing.