Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer is Here

Well, if I didn't know by the 100+ degree weather, last night helped confirm summer is here. All the kids were still up at 10:30. Dean and Derek hadn't had supper since they were in the field till about 10. I think April was overly tired by this time. It took rocking her till she was sound asleep to get her down in her crib.

We need some structure around here. I don't know if that is even possible with summer on the farm. I don't know from one day to the next what Dean will be doing. (I wonder if he knows when he wakes up!) I still need to try to get some order to inside life...maybe I should wait till after wheat harvest which is fast approaching with the hot, windy weather. Then it will be wait till after double crop planting, then...

I wish my mood wasn't so dependent on the cleanliness of my house. I like to have order to it, too, because I thought that was something I could control. Instead it seems to control me and my mood. Sometimes everywhere I look it's a mess, though, and I can't handle that. If I can clean one area I feel better. Structure...I try to get better organized with my cleaning even. I have a schedule of different things to do every day and even once a month. I don't always get to it even though I've been trying for the past month to stick to it. I have to remember if I don't get it done that day or week, it will still be there! It's not like we have people coming to our house that I need to have it clean, it's just for me and my sanity!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm Back...Hopefully

It's has been a LONG time since I have written here. I should be going to bed now...but wanted to type something. I try to keep up with a diary, but have gotten behind on that, too. I type at night after the kids are in bed. Well, we are on summer hours which means the older three don't get to bed till after 9:00 usually. That doesn't give me much "mommy" time, especially with Abigail being fussy yet.

I want to try to blog about wheat harvest this year which is right around the corner with the hot Kansas wind ripening the wheat pretty fast lately. Today, as we do some Sundays, we went on a crop tour, looking at some fields determining what needs to be done as far as spraying and seeing how the wheat looks. I told my husband he should make a list of the fields where we have wheat to harvest so I would know. He agreed it would be good to make a list so he wouldn't forget a field!  lol

Well, hello again everyone...all 4 followers I have. I hope I can keep up with documenting the 2011 Kansas Wheat Harvest this month. I hope it gives some insight into what life is like "down on the farm."

Amy S.